Become A Weight Training Lion

This may be the hardest article I've ever had to write, it is the very first time I've admitted, that I might be getting older.

ROB! Yes, we are receiving older but, don't forget the rest of the sentence...AND BETTER!

We all remember Mufasa! The solid, brave, defensive, heroic lion from the Lion King. Make without doubt about it Mufasa was The King!! That's right just like Elvis (showing my age). Now Mufasa passed away fighting heroically to safeguard his pride. I'm not really saying it had been age that was his undoing. BUT who understands, if he previously changed his teaching strategy during the last few years-trained just a little smarter......probably he wouldn't have gone his combat in the fitness center and had even more in the tank on game time. Could the results have been different???

Ok! back again to real life or at least my version of it. Tammy Renee my Mufasa (boss, best friend, blah blah blah) has approached me more than once about writing an article designed to help the maturing athlete. That's right, us sisters and brothers in Iron are athletes. My thoughts were....why would I end up being asked by her? What perform I know about aging athletes?? I teach as i've always.......I'm a world champion! HELLO!! earth to're 51 years previous!! You are an older athlete!!!! WOW!! It dawned on me then ..the things I i did so all night take me forever to do now...BUT that's a different story. We can save that for a different content.

GINA - Aging sportsmen? Oh my....Can't we come up with a more correct term politically? lol Rob, haven't you noticed 40 may be the new 30, 50 may be the new 40?

I injured my shoulder winning the W.A.B.D.L. Masters Bench Press World Championship in 2005. I competed in Bodybuilding in 2006 to arrive 4th place in the W.B.F.A Group USA vs the World competition. I believed that if I really got my conditioning right down to a technology and emerged in shredded I possibly could do some harm in 07. I thought I must say i a bodybuilder? Is definitely that where my enthusiasm is? My friend, occasional teaching partner and amazing powerlifter Phil Davi was in the gym training. He talked me into seeing what I got on the bench that day time. Now I hadn't benched heavy in quite a while. To say my initiatives were sloppy will be an understatement. However I did max out somewhere in the 455lb range. For those of you at home and us Mufasa types especially....PLEASE don't get a max out of the crystal clear blue and wonder why you obtain injured. Some people are slow learners just. Phil tested the current world information in the alphabet soup of powerlifting companies and found with some schooling, I would be right there and perhaps in a position to break a global record or 2 in the bench press for my age group and weight course.

I actually asked my buddy, fellow writer, fitness model, fitness competitor, amount competitor, gym owner, fitness expert of the full year, among the hottest Mothers and hottest women on the planet........drum roll.......... Gina Ostarly what she believed which was her response:

"I am 99.9 % sure you ALREADY 'know" the this is only a 2nd thumbs up...I think.....I move with my passion always....whats in my heart...sounds like yours is in power lifting....has been always...Provided that your 2005 injury is healed and can not hinder you...go for the record! The only reason I've not managed to get back to fitness because my own body won't allow it all...We keep getting hurt...hell getting old...haha...but, I have not given the mean time I will be the BEST number competitor I could be....

Coming from a source like Gina how may i not listen. Fine...that I understand now, I am getting older let's apply some of our new found knowledge, in my quest to create the 50 to 54 age class 220 lb fat course bench press globe record.

My recuperative abilities are not what they were in the past. I already have had to make this concession to age. So over-teaching is a big issue with us babyboomers. I have been especially guilty of this, In my over zealousness to win championships, break information, play soccer or what perhaps you have I wish to just go obtain it and toss caution to the wind. Well, after a torn hamstring, torn bicep, ligament damage in both ankles, sore knees and over all everyday aches and pains.

Training: OK hear we go. People inquire me all the time if I reside in the fitness center or how many hours a time perform I workout?? There is a period when I would train with weights 6 days weekly and perform cardio 6 or 7 days weekly. that was a couple of years ago. The cardio part especially, that was even more for sports activities than for appearances. once I used powerlifting I think my just cardio was running from the sofa to the refrigerator. (Gina) Rob, people inquire me the same query or make the assumption, " all day long must be qualified by you, everyday." Well, my secret is Regularity, as time passes. Its not about how much you perform "this week" or "this month" Obtaining and residing in form is a prolonged dedication. Its doesn't imply killing yourself for hours in the gym, it about creating balance and realistically living. Training 2-3 days weekly CONSISTENTLY will yield a much better lead to a 12 months than a person who computes everyday for a week skips 3, works how hard straight for 3 weeks.....drops off the real face of the planet earth for 2 a few months....etc....You get my point.

My teaching had remained the same for many years basically.

Pushes on Mon & Wed - ie.. chest, shoulders, tri's & abs

Pulls on Tues & Fri - ie.. back again, bi's and obliques

Legs & lower back again on Wed & Sat - Wed would be even more squat oriented . try this web-site Sat will be more deadlift oriented

Based on what We was training designed for my weights would vary but for the the majority of component the scheme was the same. As I stated cardio was as needed. If I was trying to accomplish something where I had a need to move actually. I would run or play basketball. EASILY was training for something where movement wasn't a concern...believe me I wouldn't move. The heaviest I've ever weighed was 277 in 2003. Breathing was a problem, my ex said during the night I snored just like a rhino in high temperature. When breathing becomes a nagging problem it could be time to go back to the drawing board. That is while you are able to pull still.....My blood circulation pressure I'm sure was sky high....never really had it checked. I was the epitome of the ostrich strategy. Keep my head in the sand and what I have no idea won't hurt me.

Training Mufasa: Okay! For us older lions...what you can do?

Get a physical: That is right! First point go to your Doctor get a complete check-up and be sure that finely tuned or at least shortly to become finely tuned machine is ready to go.

Shed a few pounds: For most of us this is most likely the first plan of action. Produce it less complicated on those muscle tissue and joints (not to mention your mate) and drop a few. If you are still fighting trim you get a gold superstar here but I want a be aware from your own significant other, just in case you're full of it.

Carry out cardio: I've dropped from an average weight of approx. 265 to more in the 225lb range now. My center, my joints, my blood circulation pressure and my puppy Hank (the rhino in heat sounds musta taken there toll) are thankful. Although I significantly changed my diet plan to get down to 215 for the BB contest. I have since been eating much more but daily cardio sessions have kept my weight down. Not to mention the primary muscle again, my heart (yes I've one) is certainly appreciative. So for all of us Mufasa's cardio is crucial.

Listen to the body: Train with your head, not over it. No, you can still perform over mind presses. Just use good sense in your workouts. Go by feel whether it's there and you are feeling like lifting a little heavier go for it. If not. pay attention to your body. Cool off the heavier weights for a workout or 2. Don't force it! Consider shorter rest periods and go just a little lighter. There are way's of keeping your workout intensity without setting world or actually personal records. Go for QUALITY not Volume, and yes Rob, listen to the body always! Great assistance. There are therefore many variants of you skill when exercising. By no means feel like you have to "press thru it." Dealing with the big headed attitude could have you pushing going back TIME!

Don't overtrain: As I mentioned earlier. I was and at times still am, a habitual overtrainer. This correlates straight with the above. Listen to your body. More than teaching at this time of the overall game, is more detrimental than when we are younger. As a youngster we can get away with a little more. Right now all we're gonna get is a severe limp plus some catabolism to boot. Seriously, this is simply not a joke. DO NOT OVERTRAIN. For most of us, three resistance training sessions a week should fill the bill. Utilize the K.We.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) in your workout routines. Work each muscle tissue group once per week.

Nutrition: Nutrition is up to 80% of the battle. Breakfast is either the most or second most important meal of the full day. Your post workout food is it's competition.

Make sure to consume protein with each meal. Start your entire day an excellent hearty breakfast. This gets the machine which is normally you in motion. Look at the body as a furnace, you need to gasoline it to keep it burning correctly. Get it started first thing each morning (breakfast) and keep fueling it every 3 hours. Appear at a fire, you don't throw all of the logs on at once. Throw a log in at intervals and it will burn effectively even. Throw them all in at once (supper) and it'll smother and fail.

Avoid the All-American meal program. You understand the espresso and a doughnut for breakfast, more coffee and a Hostess cake off the roach trainer for break period. Deli sandwich, coke and a bag of chips for lunch. Then devour whichever the heck you can obtain the hands on for dinner not to mention our 2 Vermont buddies Ben and Jerry or Krispy Kreme (right Gina??) before bed.

Post workout beverage: This along with breakfast is of utmost importance. Your post workout drink should consist of a quality proteins drink with some simple carbs (dextrose). You want to take benefit of the windows of opportunity here 30 to 45 min. after your workout. You body is definitely within an emergency state right here and is preparing to use these crucial nutrients.

Glucosamine and chondroitin: This have been a miracle cure for me. Remember they consider up to 30 day's to get into your program and do not stop acquiring them once you begin to feel better......or back to painsville!!!

As you can see just a little modification here and there and some good sense is all that is needed!! As Gina therefore aptly put it " we are receiving older but don't forget the rest of the sentence..... AND BETTER"

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